Hand sanitisers are essential to staving off all the many different germs and pathogens that are out there waiting to take your strong health and give it a turn for the worst. Sanitising your hands on a regular basis can greatly reduce the possibilities of getting sick and missing work and even getting your loved ones sick. But sometimes sanitisers themselves can be the problem. In the world of these hygiene products, there are two main types: alcohol based and non alcohol based. While both carry advantages such as those mentioned above, the advantages of using non alcohol based far outweigh their competition for the following reasons:
Alcohol Based are Flammable
Fire hazards are worth taking seriously. Never assume that they do not apply to you, because they do. With such products, you stand the danger of getting them too close to a candle or perhaps setting yourself on fire as you work to cook dinner. It sounds extreme, but it is certainly worth keeping in mind since alcohol is an extremely flammable substance by itself. You don't want to put your home or life in jeopardy simply through your choice of hand cleaner, so be very careful to steer clear.
Alcohol Based are Habit Forming
Those undergoing problems with alcoholism look for many different ways to get their fix. From drinking beer to tipping up rubbing alcohol or mouthwash, nothing is off limits. If you or someone close to you has a history of alcoholism, then you will want to avoid these types of sanitisers at all costs. Alcohol based hand sanitisers can be consumed like any of the harmful substances mentioned above, and they can also be quite habit forming over time.
Alcohol Based are More Dangerous for Children
Small children are not known for having the best judgment. That's why poison control numbers exist, or at least a large part of it. When one of your little ones gets a hold of alcohol, the repercussions can be potentially deadly. While these products are not often associated with such cases, there is a risk there that a small child may consume alcohol based hand sanitisers. When this happens you could be held liable for the fallout. Play it safe and go the non alcohol route instead, and that way, these little mistakes or accidents won't grow into something larger.
The non alcohol based sanitiser is one of the greatest gifts to the hand hygiene community to come along in quite some time. In addition to being safer and healthier for everyone, who comes in to contact with it, it also doesn't leave behind that overwhelming alcohol smell. You can be confident your hands are clean and your loved ones and property are protected.
Using quality Hand Sanitiser can fight off the effects of a Virus before they even have the chance to take hold. Visit our site to find the product that works best for you.