منتدى/قلب/الامارات/قلبي/عدول/تيبد/الريم/عيضة/المنهالي/كلمات/اغنية/وجد/عمري/منتد/قلبي/site:8lbiuae.com//نسيم/المطلعي/فتل/فريم/شعار/فراري/كلي/حلاله/الفجيرة/معنى/التراث/احساس/غالي/هلي/يا/وجد/عمري/مخاوي/الامارات/مستانق/لا/تكدرني/حتى/لو/طلعت/القمر/فديت/عمان/منتدى قلبي الاماراات منتدى اماراتي منتدى رائع يحتوي الكثير من المبدعين وشرح دورات الفوتوشوب و الكثير من الدورات الاخر والمميزات و الجوائز و المسابقات الرائعه و المزيد معنا
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الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2011
الثلاثاء، 30 أغسطس 2011
الاثنين، 29 أغسطس 2011
السبت، 27 أغسطس 2011
الخميس، 25 أغسطس 2011
الأربعاء، 24 أغسطس 2011
الثلاثاء، 23 أغسطس 2011
الأحد، 21 أغسطس 2011
السبت، 20 أغسطس 2011
الجمعة، 19 أغسطس 2011
الخميس، 18 أغسطس 2011
الأربعاء، 17 أغسطس 2011
الاثنين، 15 أغسطس 2011
الأحد، 14 أغسطس 2011
السبت، 13 أغسطس 2011
الجمعة، 12 أغسطس 2011
الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011
The Benefits Of Using Alcohol Free Hand Sanitisers
Hand sanitisers are essential to staving off all the many different germs and pathogens that are out there waiting to take your strong health and give it a turn for the worst. Sanitising your hands on a regular basis can greatly reduce the possibilities of getting sick and missing work and even getting your loved ones sick. But sometimes sanitisers themselves can be the problem. In the world of these hygiene products, there are two main types: alcohol based and non alcohol based. While both carry advantages such as those mentioned above, the advantages of using non alcohol based far outweigh their competition for the following reasons:
Alcohol Based are Flammable
Fire hazards are worth taking seriously. Never assume that they do not apply to you, because they do. With such products, you stand the danger of getting them too close to a candle or perhaps setting yourself on fire as you work to cook dinner. It sounds extreme, but it is certainly worth keeping in mind since alcohol is an extremely flammable substance by itself. You don't want to put your home or life in jeopardy simply through your choice of hand cleaner, so be very careful to steer clear.
Alcohol Based are Habit Forming
Those undergoing problems with alcoholism look for many different ways to get their fix. From drinking beer to tipping up rubbing alcohol or mouthwash, nothing is off limits. If you or someone close to you has a history of alcoholism, then you will want to avoid these types of sanitisers at all costs. Alcohol based hand sanitisers can be consumed like any of the harmful substances mentioned above, and they can also be quite habit forming over time.
Alcohol Based are More Dangerous for Children
Small children are not known for having the best judgment. That's why poison control numbers exist, or at least a large part of it. When one of your little ones gets a hold of alcohol, the repercussions can be potentially deadly. While these products are not often associated with such cases, there is a risk there that a small child may consume alcohol based hand sanitisers. When this happens you could be held liable for the fallout. Play it safe and go the non alcohol route instead, and that way, these little mistakes or accidents won't grow into something larger.
The non alcohol based sanitiser is one of the greatest gifts to the hand hygiene community to come along in quite some time. In addition to being safer and healthier for everyone, who comes in to contact with it, it also doesn't leave behind that overwhelming alcohol smell. You can be confident your hands are clean and your loved ones and property are protected.
Using quality Hand Sanitiser can fight off the effects of a Virus before they even have the chance to take hold. Visit our site to find the product that works best for you.
الأربعاء، 10 أغسطس 2011
A Few Things About Healthiness
There are many different factors that go into creating a healthy individual and these factors play a major role in who we are as individuals. When it comes to making the most of our lives we need to look at health as if it were a triad, comprised of three primary facets of our being. Working together with balance and in harmony these three components together produce the best overall health in any individual.
PHYSICAL WELLNESS- One factor we nearly all gaze in the path of as we are creatures of the natural world is our physical wellness and it is imperative. At any time we gaze at our physical wellness we can very plainly compute things to sketch out whether our bodies are in first-rate form. We'll use a blood test, look at a urinalysis, or test blood pressure and gauge them with strategies to find an assessable wellbeing. Unquestionably, physical wellbeing also will include a number of other things such as sleep, superior eating behavior, and fitness just for some examples. Physical wellbeing is for many people the sole characteristic of their physical condition they care for.
EMOTIONALITY- Whereas physicality is on the top of the list when it comes to health it is key to understand that emotionality can have an effect on all bodily functions also. Having a sound mind that can be just more important if not more than when you having a healthy physical condition. Many of us, particularly in today's age, find ourselves unhappy and in need of medicine to keep them on a straight path. Other people struggle with behavioral disorders and temper disorders too. These things are vital to manage with therapy and medicine since they add to your overall wellbeing.
SPIRITUALITY- Some of us regard spiritual wellbeing as most important and others regard social wellbeing but giving yourself with things that make you content is a huge part of your general healthiness. Making time whether you pray and meditate or spend time at a party having fun, you need time to keep yourself tranquil and feeling fine. A constructive experience is very significant to who we are as healthy persons.
Wellbeing is flexible and the chief points of a small number of components of it should not be disregarded. When you think of your wellbeing and you decide to develop it ensure that you think of improving every aspect of your lifestyle to get the major level of wellbeing likely for you at this moment. You may not be able to acquire an entirely healthy body but by considering every one of these things you will be have a grand place to initiate.
Being fully healthy means having quality coverage and http://www.gohealthinsurance.com/ is a good place to look. With http://www.gohealthinsurance.com/ helping, it is easy to stay secure.
Does Bad Parenting Cause ADHD?
As parents we all want our children to excel in every aspect of their lives and when they don't somehow we feel like we should have, or could have, done more. Many parents of an ADHD children feel this way, and quite honestly it is natural parental instinct for most. But the question here is whether this guilt is really justified or not.
ADHD is not the obscure condition it once was. In fact, today it is estimated that at least 8 percent of children have some form of the condition. That said, scientists and doctors have yet to discover the exact cause of the condition.
There was a time no so long ago when parents of children who showed signs of ADHD (inattention, impulsive behavior, erratic behavior, disorganization, poor memory, hyperactivity) were blamed for their child behavior and/or academic under achievement. Those laying the blame are always quick to point out if the child's parent would have done this, or done that, things would have turned out different.
But the truth is ADHD has little to do with parenting and more to do with biological imbalances and development inconsistencies in certain areas of the brain. Mainly those responsible for self regulation.
Another cause that required child ADHD treatment at one time was minor brain trauma caused by difficulties during birth or a minor brain trauma. During this period ADHD was actually referred to as minimal brain damage or dysfunction. What we know today is that while a few cases of ADHD in children are indeed caused by minor brain trauma the vast majority have no history of traumatic birth or even minor accidents.
PET (Positive Emission Tomography) along with other brain scan technology has revealed that certain areas of the brain in ADHD children show about ten percent less activity than their peers without the condition. This is particularly noticeable in the areas that control attention and attributed to underdevelopment along with poor glucose absorption.
Some believe that the real culprit can be found in a child's diet. The two areas most often mentioned are refined sugar and food additives. This topic has been hotly debated for over two decades ever since Ben Feingold first suggested this by observing how children reacted to different foods and food additives. Experts now believe that diet modification will help reduce ADHD symptoms in about one out of every ten children. I would suspect that the average mom dealing with a hyperactive child would believe this number to be much higher.
Another theory being considered as a cause of ADHD in children is whether or not exposure to smoke, alcohol, drugs, or environmental toxins play a role in the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While many believe this to be the case all we really know for sure is that heredity is an uncontroversial factor since just over half of all children with ADHD have at least one parent with the disorder.
While the true cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is unclear, we know enough to know that parenting and upbringing are not cause. Knowing this has removed a heavy burden form parents who earlier may have felt guilt and confusion. Now, with more reliable information, these parents can concentrate on seeking appropriate treatments for their kids. Examples of non-pharmaceutical options include homeopathic ADHD remedies, behavioral therapy, regulated diet treatment, and increased levels of outdoor activity.
Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To learn more about ADHD along with information about safe and effective herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here
Getting the Best Out of Each Day
If you are a busy business owner, stressed out manager or a professional corporate worker, you need to make certain that you operate at your peak performance every day. Here are a few key strategies that can help you employ in your life to make a difference.
It is recommend that drinking water is essential as it is a power in its own right. Up to 78% of the human body contains water. Your brain requires water to function efficiently as a corporate professional. You need to drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water per day.
You need to invest in your knowledge by reading appropriate books and listening to suitable audio programs that enrich your expertise. Growing your potential as a human being will add your value to your company, organization or small business.
You need to face each day of life with a positive mindset. It is critical that you make certain you carry a positive attitude while going through the challenges that come your way. It is a visible path to opportunities for you which others may not be able to see. It helps you outweigh challenges and obstacles. It will show you a clear view of your impact on other people.
You will be able to face your problems more efficiently as you will adopt a belief that anything is possible when you set your mind to it. Use a daily practice of having a positive mindset when facing any challenge or problem that you come across. View every opportunity with positivity to learn something from it as everything is a lesson that needs to be learned.
You need to move your body every day with regular exercise and activity. This is so that it remains stronger and has the stamina to work hard for long periods of time. When you are strong physically, you become strong mentally and emotionally. It increases your stamina and ability to focus at your workplace. Exercising 5 to 6 times per week for an hour to help you get through your busy schedule.
Schedule your exercising regime in such a way that you have three cardiovascular sessions per week that would include bike riding, surfing, jogging, running, swimming and other such activities. The remaining 2 days of every week, you can undergo resistance training that need not be done in a gymnasium specifically.
Resistance training can be done at home as well. You can include push-ups, sit-ups, star jumps, squats and lunges. You can find more information about how to perform "own exercises" by placing the keywords in the search engine and viewing the results of videos online. As a small business owner or corporate professional, you need to understand that the fitter you are in physical terms, the more efficient you will become at work and throughout the day.
Coach Cameron Roberts is a corporate health and wellness expert of Leaping Through Life and also supports small to medium business owners improve profits, performance and productivity at Small Business Master Coaching.
You can find out more about our corporate coaching, motivational, and team training at http://www.leapingthroughlife.com.au/ and our business and mentoring support programs at http://www.coachcamerons.com/
How To Get Rid Of Moles At Home
Getting rid of moles without damaging the skin or going to a doctor for surgical removal is not as hard as you might think. Many people explore how to get rid of moles at home, but users of these methods must be patient. These methods require time and multiple applications.
The first remedy is sour apple juice. When applied several times a day, for at least three weeks, it will reduce the pigmentation in the mole. If the mole is small it will also reduce the size. The acidic nature of the juice dries out the skin and causes the mole to flake off.
Another natural solution to removing a mole is onion juice. The best way to apply it is with a clean cotton swab directly on the mole. For best results onion juice should be applied 3-5 times a day. For some this is not an option because of the strong onion smell.
Garlic is another way to remove moles. Apply fresh pieces of garlic to the mole and secure it with a bandage. For best results experts recommend doing this three times a day for a month or longer if the mole is larger. Make sure you protect the skin around the mole with Vaseline or oil; the garlic can burn healthy skin.
Iodine can also be used on slightly raised moles with really effective results. For best results if should be applied several times a day for seven days. By the end of the week the mole should become dry and begin to flake off. This method also does not burn the surrounding skin.
The fastest method for removing a mole at home is by using apple cider vinegar. Scratch the mole with a sterilized needle and place a piece of cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar. Keep it on overnight with a band aid. It is extremely important to protect the skin around the mole with Vaseline or oil to prevent burning and redness.
The last method for getting rid of a mole is to tie it off with dental floss. By tying off the mole the blood supply, much like it is done in surgical procedures. In a few weeks the mole will fall off. For the dental floss method to work the mole will need to be raised. Realistically it will also need to be in an area that can be covered, not many people want to walk around with dental floss tied to their face.
The most common way physicians remove moles is to cut all the tissues involved with the mole, then they pull the healthy skin together and stitch it. This may give fast results, but it also leaves scars. The scarring and expense is the main reason most people decide not to get the procedure done. Unlike surgery, these home remedies are not invasive and will not leave a scar. The common denominator in all these options is time. Most these options require more than one treatment in order to get the desired result.
And for more information on the question of Getting Rid of Moles. And on the wider subject of How to get Rid of Warts
Fight Back Against Late-Night Eating With These Tips
For many people, the number one diet issue that they struggle with on a regular basis is battling night-time eating. It doesn't take much to realize that downing a full bag of chips or a large bowl of ice cream will quickly add up in terms of total calories added to your daily diet.
If you eat so much that you completely whip out the calorie deficit that you were hoping to achieve, then further fat loss progress will come to an immediate halt.
Night-time eating is something that impacts most of us at one point or another whether it's due to stress, boredom, loneliness, or for other reasons.
But, by learning what you can do to get a hold over your late-night munchies, you can be sure that you are able to see the progress you're after.
Let's take a quick look at a few of the main factors to consider.
Keep Yourself Busy
The very first way to combat late-night eating is to make sure that you're not at home to eat. It can really be as simple as that. If you have no plans for the evening rather than lounging on the couch watching TV, you're just setting yourself up to eat when you shouldn't.
Instead, schedule some activities into the evening hours. In doing so you'll quickly take your mind off food and overcome this obstacle instantly.
Eat Regularly Throughout The Day
Second, another thing that you must be doing to prevent late-night eating is making sure to place your meals regularly throughout the day. If you often skip your breakfast and possibly even lunch meal thinking that you'll save calories this way, rethink that strategy.
Those who eat very few calories throughout the day are far more likely to overeat in the evening because their hunger level is just so uncontrollable.
Instead, keep your hunger level down by having small snacks and meals every three to four hours.
Schedule In A Smart Snack
Another smart move is to actually schedule in an evening snack. If you know that you are always hungry later on in the evening and this gives you anxiety about being able to follow your diet plan, start incorporating a late night snack into your daily total calorie intake.
Just be sure to choose wisely and opt for something like lean protein and healthy fats. Cottage cheese with natural peanut butter is the perfect way to end your day.
Keep Your Mouth Busy
Finally, last but not least, if you are going to be at home without much planned, the very least you can do to keep yourself from mindless munching is to keep your mouth busy.
Sip a cup of tea or chew some gum instead. This way, food can't get shovelled in at the same time and that should help you maintain a lower total calorie intake.
So there you have a few simple yet very effective ways to fight back against evening eating. If you come up with a few of your own strategies, this problem doesn't have to bother you any longer.
For more eating tips check out Morristown NJ Personal Trainer Greg Crawford at http://www.mytraininggym.com/morristown-personal-trainer/
Your Body Wants To Be The Picture of Health
It's almost magical that our body craves to be in perfect health. Being in Mind-Body-Spirit balance is what allows you to:
- have more energy and clarity of mind - get better sleep - reach your ideal weight with ease - instinctively love exercise - generally feel great and joyful
Experiencing these natural states of our body, is how we are meant to feel! It's completely normal! That's the magic!
Ancient Primal Structure
Remember, your body is an ancient primal organism that hasn't changed much in eons of time. With the onset of the agricultural and technology eras, our culture has accepted and allowed many toxins, artificial chemicals and preservatives into our Eco and food systems.
Our ancient, beautifully functioning bodies do not know how to handle this level of toxicity and begin to slow, clog-up, inflame, create mucus, and generally malfunction. This Dis-ease and inflammation manifests as exhaustion, anxiety, internal malfunctions, cancer and so on....
So, My Call to Action for you is to recall what it was like for our bodies before the last 2-3 generations. Re-create your optimal level of nutrition so you can counteract the massive amounts of toxins in our environment. Give yourself the gift of Wonderful Health.
Yes, all natural. Nothing artificial. Pure and organic. Yep. Its really quite easy and is just returning to a simpler way of living. Returning to our body's innate and internal ways of healing.
Louise Hay says, "If it grows, eat it. If it doesn't grow, don't." It really is that simple, my dear friend.
Return to what your body already knows. Consciously CREATE an optimal functioning environment for your healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit to operate.
You want to be in prime condition to handle whatever the future will be dishing out!
So today, lets consider making dietary changes that enhance and support the optimal functioning of our ancient bodies. Consume only pure, natural, energy giving foods. Drink plenty of pure water, get good sleep.Eliminate sodas, sugars, additives, preservatives, any packaged foods any processed foods.
Just eat naturally occurring foods. Organic, veggies, fruits, whole grains. Very little to no dairy products, and no animal meat. Enjoy some good quality Salmon.
This is a good place to start. We will build on this in future blog posts, articles, programs and newsletters.
Its so sweet and so balanced, energetic and blissful, really. Try it.
Let's take action on this... We will do it together.
Love You. Love your body and lets put it back in optimal functioning order. No Problem!
Nurse Dyan
Visit Dyan Banta RN, BSN at NurseDyan.com for more information and your free 7 day program: Return To Your Heart. This program will strengthen and support your process of increasing your inner peace, stress coping skills and managing your Adult Dependent Child's needs and requirements. http://www.nursedyan.com/
الثلاثاء، 9 أغسطس 2011
Green Lipped Mussel Biology and How It Leads To Freedom From Arthritis
Have you experienced waking up in the morning and finding your arthritic hips or knees (or any other part, for that matter) stiff and swollen, aside from painful? Have you ever wished for this agony to just go away so you can stroll by the park or by the mall like you used to? This may just be the right answer to your sighs, so read along and discover what we know of green lipped mussel biology and what it can do for you.
This early morning pain, stiffness, and swollen joints can only imply one thing: osteoarthritis. As the name of the condition suggests, this does not heal but just continues to progress over time. However, the symptoms that come with this can be managed such that they disappear or minimized to tolerable levels. There is no cure for osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, but with proper treatment and care for yourself, you will be able to live through this condition while still enjoying most of your previous activities.
If you have never heard of the Green Lipped Mussel biology and its numerous benefits, then it will also be worthwhile for you to read its origins and how the product is made to ensure high quality. This should also eliminate your doubts of this being another artificial product that contains poisonous agents in it.
Because the mussels are naturally cultured along the clean sea waters and are closely supervised, you are ensured that Green Lipped Mussel products are pure and free from contamination. Minimum human intervention and handling are used from the moment they are collected from the beaches to that instant they are packed for distribution and selling - and up that time when the small jars containing these wonder products get inside your household. This ensures that the risk of getting dangerous impurities can be eliminated. This is very important because you will be administering the product orally. This means that the product will enter your body through your mouth.
The entire Green Lipped Mussel biology starts from the beaches of New Zealand. The brand is named after the seashells, which has the identical name. These sea creatures naturally settle at the bottom of the ocean, on rock surfaces, and other sea surfaces where they can adhere. They feed on the microscopic species in the seawater via direct feeding and multiply in a short period. To avoid contamination of these seashells, they are cultured along the beaches by using suspended ropes hanging from a plank. This is where they would tend to adhere to avoid getting in contact with the ocean floor, which may have minerals that may cause their impurity. After two to three months, they are harvested in batches. In this period, they are known to have reached maturity. This implies that they are optimally fit for consumption and production. In this case, they are to be made as food supplements and medications.
Green Lipped Mussel biology then continues when the seashells are stored in freezer trucks and transported in the factory to be transformed to the final product. This product comes in two forms: soft gel capsule and powdered form. Studies showed that the powder gives more benefits than the soft gel, which only contains the oil extracts obtained from the mollusk.
Osteoarthritis can cause agony. This agony should not be hindering you in living your life. Do yourself a favor and buy Green Lipped Mussel for a pain-free life.
For optimal bone and joint health, we have been using a special green lipped mussel formula and for good reason, as the quality of this formula is guaranteed. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.
You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other green lipped mussel formulas at our website http://www.green-lippedmussel-interactions.com/
William Lin is passionate about health through green lipped mussel supplementation. Can you be sure that you are getting a high quality and safe source of green lipped mussel? Visit William's site at Green Lipped Mussel Interactions and see his research for FREE!
The Good And Bad Of Staying In The Sun
So many people love to bask in the sun and nowadays it would appear that more often than not you hear of people steering clear of the sun due to its harmful UV rays and the effects that they can have on your skin. However, in spite of everything you have heard, sunlight is far from bad. As a matter of fact it is actually something that is significant for human survival.
Men and women who don't spend enough time in the fresh air and outdoors are missing out on the many vitamins they need to survive and people who spend more time away from the sunlight tend to be more depressed too. It just stands to reason that the more time someone spends in the sunshine and fresh air the greater they feel.
In a sense individuals are a lot like flowers and plants and when it comes to such things as sunlight we do have a need for it. Sure we might not contain chlorophyll similar to plants do and it might not be documented that human beings need sunlight but this energy and light force is one that is essential to human existence, not only to the existence of the earth but the actual individuals themselves.
Some in the field of psychology have in fact noticed that sunlight helps to aid those patients who are suffering with depression and that an increase in sunlight provides something else besides just additional vitamins. Sunlight is actually life-sustaining for human beings and while many can not put their finger on why it's so effective it without a doubt has a huge impact on individuals and their moods. It has even been seen in places where there quite a bit of rain or several additional hours of darkness that people in these locations have a greater chance for becoming depressed. This is even regarded as a factor in seasonal depression too.
If you want to feel well and alive then the smartest thing you can do is to spend a good amount of time outdoors. This will help make you feel better and can lift your spirits. It is important to acknowledge that while there is little by the way of quantitative research on this topic that there, definitely, is something to the fact that being out in the bright sunshine on a warm, sunny day certainly has something to offer by way of making people feel better and happier.
Visit Go health insurance when you are wanting to obtain multiple individual health insurance quotes at one time.
Persistent Internal Inflammation - This May Be Your Biggest Health Risk
Are you aware of what these things all share? Diabetes, heart related illnesses, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's and depression.
You may feel that the fact that they are significant health difficulties is the solution, but it isn't. Persistent inflammation is the typical denominator that links all of these health difficulties together.
Inflammation is usually helpful for your body since it is a healing method. But chronic inflammation (sometimes called hidden inflammation) is an entirely different story. It happens when something kick starts the inflammation method and then doesn't allow your body to shut it off.
The very fact that we typically don't know what begins chronic inflammation difficulties is one reason why it's a concern. It can often happen to individuals who smoke cigarettes or people who need to cope with repeated infection issues. Gum disease has also been proven to result in long-term inflammation. Sometimes, we do not know.
It is more valuable to look at the final results out of this condition. When persistent inflammation occurs, your system sends more cells to the vicinity. Those cells bother the tissue and healthy cells that are already there. Genetic mutations are often the result. That is where all the problems start.
Among the big problems with chronic inflammation is the very fact that it's very hard to discover if you are experiencing this. This is due to the fact that there's no pain. There is a test referred to as C-reactive protein, but it only displays one bit of the puzzle and scientists aren't totally sure the best way to use the test.
What is known is that individuals who are thought to be to be less healthy are a lot much more likely to are afflicted by long-term inner inflammation. You also have a higher risk if you are regarded as to be over weight. It's also an essential concern where your system keeps the additional fat that it has to store.
Individuals who often store fat in their stomach cavity typically are more likely to suffer from long-term internal inflammation. The fat cells that encircle the essential organs in your abdominal area go crazy when you are anxious or too tired and they begin producing chemical substances. The chemicals that are developed merge with all the fat cells to produce a lot more fat molecules. Because you will find more fat cells inside the area, they develop much more chemical substances. This all triggers more inflammation. Fat cells that stay in other parts of your body do not appear to set off this squelcher of events at the very same level.
Long-term internal inflammation can be a problem for anyone. But when your system tends to retailer fat in your abdomen, you need to be especially cautious. Any steps you can take to minimize your chance for inflammation could stop negative health problems.
You'll find many alternative methods to deal with inflammation, as well as a lot other health conditions. Learning more about how to reduce inflammation in the body is an essential factor to discovering the best way to naturally cure several of these issues. Find out more about cell health too.
Why Do Recurrent Injuries Occur?
Everyone knows someone who suffers from recurrent musculoskeletal injuries; a healthy individual that just can't seem to shake the shin splints, sore and achy knee, or stiff back. These injuries are a common occurrence at home, work, and on the playing field and many wonder why some people just can't seem to avoid them.
Persistent musculoskeletal injuries are generally caused by biomechanical weaknesses. Hours of sitting at work, in class, or standing on a hard floor translate to a body that is losing its full range of motion. Other joints are forced to compensate for this loss, resulting in biomechanical weaknesses turned recurrent injuries. For example: stiffness in the mid-back, hips, and ankles often lead to shin splints, knee injuries, and low back pain.
This is the primary reason why chiropractors, and other physical medicine specialists recommend ongoing maintenance and prevention after the pain is gone. It is much easier and cheaper to keep the body working like it is supposed to rather then try to put out every fire as it comes along; so to speak.
Restoring motion is vital to avoiding persistent injuries; equally important is stabilization of the weak muscles that accompany loss of motion. It is the balance of stability and mobility that makes our movements efficient and lessens the possibility of injury. Often times due to specialization of professions there will be a disconnect between the mobility and stability treatments that need to occur at the same time. This is why often times patients often get little or no relief from strengthening alone or joint or soft tissue mobilization alone. Finding a specialist that does both is your best bet for a speedy and more permanent correction.
There are many things that you can do on your own to support correct function of you muscles and structure to minimize your chances of a recurrent injury. Stretch, go for walks often, and don't sit for more than two hours straight. Consult a biomechanical specialist prior to starting any rigorous exercise program to screen for and resolve potential injury causing weaknesses.
This is important because many people need to know where to start; mobility or stabilization. If you are too tight and you start to try to strengthen and stabilize you are setting other tissues away from the 'stuck' area up for failure. Like wise if you try to mobilize a already loose joint you are now asking for trouble at the involved area for tissue failure. So be sure to ask the right questions before you start treatment or an exercise program.
Matthew Wilson DC, CCWP
Omega 3 Fish Oil - Alcohol - Depression - How Are They Connected?
Alcoholism and depression go hand in hand. Between 16 and 50 percent of all alcoholics suffer from depression, and that rate climbs as high as 70 percent in chronic heavy drinkers.
We know that omega three fatty acids/DHA are very essential to the brain's normal function. Alcohol is one of the few substances that leaches DHA out of the brain. The brain does every thing it can do to retain this DHA, but alcohol will start to deplete the DHA from your brain.
The loss of omega 3 DHA can lead to neurological damage and sight impairment.
Those that suffer from the effects of Alcoholism, or a heavy drinking habit, should talk to their doctor about the Omega 3 fatty acids supplements that are available.
Even though you feel that you are not an alcoholic but you do drink alcohol on a fairly regular basis, you may have the same loss of DHA from the brain.
Our brains are made up of fat. Over 50 percent of the brain's solid matter is structural fat. This kind of fat forms your cell membranes and plays a vital role in how your cells function.
The brain' neurons are very rich in omega 3 fatty acids/DHA. As brain damage from lack of DHA increases you lose ability to learn and remember.
Here are a couple more facts:
Studies have shown that adult violent offenders have very low levels of omega 3 fatty acids.Depressed, angry, or hostile people are more likely to have heart attacks. A lack of omega 3 fatty acids may under lie both the mood problems and heart problemsAs you can see, a deficiency in DHA can aid or be the cause of so many illnesses that most people are unaware of.
Supplements can help restore brain cells and bring your bring back to a healthy level of fatty acids.
Omega 3 fish oil capsules have become the supplement of choice of the past few years because of the convenience.
When you use the capsules you will get the right dosage, you will get the purity and potency required to get all of the benefits you should expect.
You can eat more fish, but there are some real drawbacks to eating enough fish to get the same results.
You might want to keep in mind that the FDA suggests not eating any more than 2 servings a week of fish. This is due to the pollution in our waters.
When choosing a fish oil capsule, make sure you find the right brand from the right company. You want the purest oil you can find and from the cleanest waters you can find.
Larry Jensen has become an expert in the field of research and writing about Natural Health remedies including herbs, homeopathic remedies and others. He not only writes about his findings in his research, he uses these health products that he recommends. Visit his web site http://www.omega-three-dosage-amount.com/ and see the Omega 3 fish oil/DHA that he recommends. Larry truly believes in the products he recommends.
الاثنين، 8 أغسطس 2011
Do You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
Have you been struggling to achieve a life that is free of the need to use and abuse alcohol or other substances but find that it is just too hard to do alone? Do emotional issues or mood problems lead you to use in order to help alleviate emotional pain or to help deal with memories, urges, or other problems? If so, then you may find that dual diagnosis treatment from a quality addiction treatment center is the correct answer for you. With these programs, the focus is placed not just on your addiction, but on the underlying emotional and psychiatric issues that contribute to or exacerbate it.
Dual diagnosis programs can be highly effective for many people. Research shows that a high percentage of people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs, and other substances first started using as a response to emotional pain or trauma. By receiving treatment for the psychiatric and emotional causes of dependence as well as detox and treatment to help stop chemical dependence, a patient has a much higher chance of making a successful recovery and of being able to live a life without the need to use substances to help control thoughts and emotions.
Whenever you enter into a quality dual diagnosis drug rehab program, you will find that you can receive a broad spectrum of assistance with all of your issues so that you can really work on getting your life back under your own control. The support team members at a certified drug rehab treatment center are highly experienced and a vast majority of their team members have advanced degrees as well as years of experience. They typically offer 24 hour support and help so that you can seek the assistance you need to get started on a better path. They can help you work on physical and psychiatric issues and help you deal with social issues that may have arisen from your conditions.
If dependence is taking over your life but you find that your emotions and thoughts are too out of control whenever you are not using, it is important that you seek the services of a dual diagnosis rehab program. You will find that qualified doctors can help you identify and work on emotional and psychiatric issues and can help you find therapies and medications that can help you deal with these issues safely. You don't have to do it alone and you don't have to rely on substances. A certified drug rehab can offer what you need to start on the road to recovery today.
8 Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Women
Most women today multitask in a major way. They generally run their homes and their husband's and children's lives with the precision of an army general, while holding down a job, which helps with the family finances, and still manage to cook, clean, shop and be a wife and mother, too. It is, therefore, not surprising that there are times when women just feel that we cannot go on at such a frenetic pace any longer, because of simple tiredness or extreme fatigue.
Unfortunately, for many women world wide, the option of lying down and putting their feet up while all their daily chores are done by someone else is simply a dream which does not come true. Ladies, therefore, continue to do are their motherly and wifely duties, without taking into consideration all those little aches and pains which seem to crop up the more tired we become. As they continue to pay little attention to what their bodies are trying to tell them, the list of damages which they are causing becomes longer and longer - until they are forced to take a step back, slow down and pay a visit to our doctor. The simplest diagnosis they will be given, after all serious illnesses and disorders have been ruled out, is that of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - which is not simple at all.
The following 8 symptoms, over and above being really physically and mentally exhausted, are what the medical profession look for when making a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
1. Loss of memory and/or a loss of concentration.
2. Enlarged or swollen lymph glands in the armpits and/or neck.
3. A sore throat.
4. Severe headaches which are unusual in their severity or pattern.
5. Painful joints which do not display the typical redness and/or swelling of arthritis.
6. Sore muscles.
7. Waking up from sleep still feeling very tired.
8. Extreme exhaustion from minor physical or mental activity which lasts for more than twenty four hours.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is treated in various ways to try to alleviate the symptoms and give the sufferer some relief. The most commonly prescribed medication to treat this syndrome is anti-depressant drugs. This is because many women who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome often become very depressed and feel that they are not able to cope. These drugs also calm the sufferer and creating a 'feel good' situation which, together with also helping the patient to sleep, is seen as the best treatment option.
Sleeping pills are also often prescribed, because the medical thinking is that a good night's sleep will go a long way to making the patient feel better; and thus in a better position to cope with her extreme fatigue.
Special stretching exercises designed for patients by a physiotherapist should be done each day, starting off with just a few minutes exertion and gradually building up the amount of time and the type of exercises patients are able to do, until they recover their strength.
For more information please visit our HAZWOPER Training and JCAHO Training websites.
Oximeter Boosts The Economy
The summer months are coming to an end, and that means that students all throughout the United States are getting ready to go back to school. These students do not only include elementary school kids, but even professionals who go to school part-time. This time of the year brings about many different demands on both the students and various industries. For example various businesses that specialize in stationary and office supplies tend to focus a good portion of their gross sales towards back to school sales. The surge in sales does not only apply to office supplies, but ranges from furniture to even medical devices. There are thousands of medical and nursing students who start fresh every fall with a new list of required supplies. One medical device that recently has seen its sales number jump is the oximeter.
An oximeter, also known as a pulse oximeter, is a medical device used to measure the saturation of blood oxygen and pulse rates of an individual. These are vital signs of a human being, and are required information of a patient. Medical and nursing students all over the country are now required to have an oximeter. It has been deemed necessary by various school boards that the knowledge of the device and its results are critical to all students. The best way to force this new notion is by requiring the use of the device. When students become familiar with the device, it becomes a norm to take these readings in the educational setting. These norms are then transferred into the clinical settings, which is the ultimate goal of educators. The oximeter now is a very affordable medical device compared to ten or fifteen years ago. The traditional units were tabletop units costing in the thousands of dollars, but now they are available in a clip on form for fewer than one hundred dollars. These fingertip oximeters are becoming popular for home care uses as well. Patients who suffer from respiratory illnesses can now check their oxygen levels at home. This saves them both money and time.
Pulse oximeter sales over the past decade have been rising exponentially, and it does not appear that they will slow down anytime soon. More industries related to the medical field are adopting the new finger oximeter, because of ease of use and reasonable cost. This in turn has allowed the technology to be broaden for a wider audience.
For high quality, low-cost oximeter models, visit us at http://www.pulseoximetersplus.com/.
Bone Injection Gun Manufacturers: All You Need To Know About BIG
Bone injection guns (B.I.G) offered by bone injection gun manufacturers are automatic intraosseous infusion (IO) devices. These medical devices offer highly effective solution for the patients who cannot be treated with the traditional intravascular (IV) access. Based on an innovative injection system, these devices provide safe, easy and rapid intravascular access through the bone marrow of the patient.
The device is used to administer medications, fluids and blood products to patients who are in shock and whose veins cannot be found. The automatic spring-loaded infusion device operates on the basis of 'position and press' mechanism. The device is usually inserted in the upper tibia plateau of the patient.
These medical equipment offered by bone injection gun manufacturers provide an effective alternative for the unsuccessful intravenous access. These high-end IO devices can deliver fluids and medications within 60 seconds, under field conditions. B.I.G is the only intraosseous infusion device that has been studied thoroughly for more than four years. The IO device was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration following the examination of several x-ray reports, which confirmed that penetration of B.I.G causes no damage to the bones. Other FDA approved IO devices are Vidacare's battery-powered EZ-IO, the COOK IO needle, the Jamshidi 15G, Pyng's hand-powered FAST1 and FASTx.
This medical device can be used during emergency and elective medical procedures, for adults and children. This medical equipment is commonly used by doctors and paramedics while providing emergency medical services in hospitals, government agencies and secret services. These medical equipment has eliminated the requirement for Central Venous Catheter in several hospitals.
The device is also widely used by the US Armed Forces for providing immediate treatment to injured soldiers. Several medical studies suggest that the survival rates for serious field casualties depend largely on the immediate administration of drugs and fluids to stabilize shock. When every second is precious, delays in placing an intravenous line can prove fatal. B.I.G eliminates delays in intravascular access.
Few distinct features of these medical equipment offered by bone injection gun manufacturers are:
Avoid direct contact with the patient's blood
Suitable for blood transfusion
Establish intravascular access within less than one minute
Cause minimum pain while penetration
Minimize the risks of complications
Completely mechanical, eliminate the need for energy source
Very easy to use
Can be used by doctors, paramedics and nurses
Made from plastic and easily disposable
Bone injection guns offered by bone injection gun manufacturers have become a standard medical instrument in every medic and paramedic's bag.
Emma Heuton is a writer who writes on several topics. Mostly she writes on SME, Business, products and manufacturing units. To provide useful insights, she prefers to study comprehensively. You can also find information on bone injection gun manufacturers in this article but if looking for more information on it, you may visit http://www.hellotrade.com/.
الأحد، 7 أغسطس 2011
What Is Heat Exhaustion And How Can It Be Prevented?
When it gets hot in the summer, people do not always realize that they are in danger of getting sick simply by being out in the sun for too long. They do not always remember to rest, drink water or wear protective clothing, especially if they are out having fun. The most common result of this behavior is heat exhaustion, a serious condition that can cause your body to shut down to protect itself.
Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two most prevalent conditions that can occur during times of temperature extremes. Both of these maladies can strike without warning and are caused by prolonged exposure to direct sun, especially if you wear no protective clothing on your head. The percentage of either condition occurring if you shield yourself from direct sun is far lower, so wearing a hat, or using an umbrella to protect yourself from the sun's rays has proven to be very effective in preventing these serious conditions from affecting anyone's fun in the sun.
During heat stress, the body begins to lose its ability to cool itself down, especially if you have been sweating a lot and not taking in enough fluids to compensate for that loss. Exhaustion signs include pale skin that is cold or clammy to the touch, weakness, feelings of anxiety and fatigue, and a slow pulse. Eventually, you collapse, and unless aided, you may advance into the next stage, heat stroke. The first signs of heat stroke are a high fever and hot, dry, red skin, primarily around the face. This is usually followed by nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness, unless the body is cooled down as soon as possible.
First Aid Measures for Heat Stress
If someone begins to show signs of heat stress, get them into shade immediately, to begin with. Loosen clothing and apply cold or wet compresses to the skin, especially on the pulse points on either side of the neck, the forehead, back of the neck and wrists. Try to get them to drink water, if possible, ice chips if they cannot. Check their pulse and if it is slow, they should rally after an hour in the shade, with plenty of water and shade.
If their pulse is rapid and they have trouble focusing, they may have advanced into the first stages of heat stroke. Call an ambulance, continue with the water and cold compresses, and if they feel faint, have them lie down with their legs elevated. Advanced heat stroke can cause blood pressure to drop dangerously low, and lying with their legs elevated will increase the flow of blood to the heart and brain until medical help can arrive.
Prevention Tips
If you need to be out in the sun for long hours at a time, the first thing you can do to protect yourself is to be sure to wear loose, light clothing that will allow air to circulate through it and cool your skin. Always wear something on your head, because heat from your body passes through the skull and out, in cold weather, and in the heat of summer, the sun beating down traps that heat inside of you, and causes your temperature to spike.
Never go out into the heat for hours alone, period. If something should happen, you will need someone to make sure that you get out of the sun and into shade. Take regular breaks, sitting in shade and drinking water as much as possible. If you tend to sweat a lot in the summer, try adding a little salt to every bottle of water you drink to replace what you lose, and if you can tolerate mineral water, then be sure to drink at least one bottle of it during your day. Do not drink alcohol, because it will reduce your ability to tolerate the heat, and accelerate the development of heat exhaustion.
Want to know more about the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion, and how to prevent it from happening to you? The caring professionals at Trinity Primary Care can help you survive the summer without getting hurt, call them today. Also check out our new page on Heat Exhaustion.
Refresh Your Energy! Listen to Your Heart
Your heart gives you gentle nudges to nurture yourself. When you get caught up in all the tasks you think you have to do right now you may be ignoring the guidance from your heart. The messages you receive from your heart are very subtle yet persistent. If you choose to ignore them you don't feel like you are flowing with life. In fact, you may often feel quite overwhelmed and stressed.
So many times you are most probably aware of what you are feeling in your heart yet you choose to do otherwise. A recent client mentioned that she had been out grocery shopping and had decided that when she got home she would go outside and sit in the sunshine. Did she actually do it? No, she got distracted by other tasks instead. It sounds very simple to go and sit for 5 minutes in the sun but so often people don't choose to listen to their heart. The constant thoughts in your head and all the daily distractions around you prevent you from nurturing yourself and connecting with your heart.
When you are aware of that chance to just sit quietly in the sun realise that it really is an 'opportunity.' It is an opportunity to not only honour yourself but also to have gratitude for the energy of the sun that shines its light on the world and gives to the earth in so many ways.
When you sit in the sun you are choosing to cleanse and refresh your energy system. Maximise this opportunity, just sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes and breathe in that beautiful warmth from the sun. Feel the energy and warmth of the sun travel in through the top of your head and feel it slowly travel through each part of your body. Let your body absorb that revitalising energy. Take conscious breaths and feel the energy in your body.
These opportunities to listen to the guidance of your heart are there all the time. You just have to choose to listen. So as simple as sitting and renewing your spirit with the energy of the sun is, don't let these chances pass you by. Not only do you reconnect with your heart but by pausing and renewing your energy you will feel more acceptance for the task before you. The beautiful heart energy you now feel in your body radiates out to those around you and they will feel that beautiful energy too.
By putting your tasks temporarily on hold and refreshing your energy system you will have so much more to give. Not only are you giving to yourself but you are also giving to the world.
For more information and special offers about our healing services to help you connect to your heart and live with more joy, balance and purpose please visit our website http://www.ourheartspath.com/
Diet Plan Plans to Lose Weight Do Not Need To Be Sophisticated
Do not get me wrong, losing weight absolutely has it challenges (trust me, I've been there). I'm merely saying if you are armed with the suitable data, slimming down isn't as difficult as it seems. In case you boot all the processed foods out of your diet and replace them with nutrient-dense, natural foods, you'll lose weight and feel healthier prior to you know it.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Adding many different fresh fruits and veggies to your every day diet can enable you to get the vitamins and minerals you have to support crucial functions of the body. For example, calcium assists support bone wellness. Vitamin C assists the immune method thrive. B vitamins work to ease stress, and lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease. And vitamin A supports healthy vision and skin.
Fruits and vegetables are wealthy sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Carbs are vital since they give fuel for the body. Fiber regulates the bowels and expands inside your stomach to help you remain full longer. The longer you stay full, the much less you eat, as well as the more most likely you might be to drop body fat.
I have usually been a supporter of totally free roaming chicken, grass fed meets, and complete organic eggs. It just makes sense.Poultry and Beans
When you make beans and poultry a component of your normal diet plan, you might be giving your body the protein it needs to maintain great wellness. Protein is referred to as the developing block of the body for a reason. This nutrient is found virtually everywhere within the body. With out it, you'll face challenges like fatigue, skin ulcers, sleeping difficulties, weakness and organ damage.
Skimping on the protein may also trigger crankiness, depression, anxiety along with other mental concerns. Also, if you add this compound to your diet plan, you might be much less likely to overeat for the reason that it makes meals extra satiating and helps control your appetite.
Lean Meats, Fish and Raw Nuts
Adding lean meats to your diet plan will make certain you get the iron you should develop hemoglobin and transport oxygen to the cells inside your body. Once you do not get sufficient iron within your diet, your chances of suffering with iron deficient anemia increases. Symptoms of anemia can incorporate fatigue, difficulties regulating the body temperature, headaches, dizziness and weakness.
The importance of fat within the diet is underrated. Whenever you prevent consuming healthy fats, you do your body a huge disservice. Healthy fats develop the brain, offer the body with energy, aid create hormones, and supply cushion for your internal organs.
Fats also enable the body use vitamins far more efficiently. Make fish and raw nuts staples in your diet so you may get some of the fats you'll need for superior well being.
When you rid your diet of processed junk and replace them using the foods listed above, you could shed unwanted pounds without frustration. The weight isn't going to come off overnight, however it will eventually come off. Oh, and bear in mind. No diet program is complete or 100 percent profitable without exercise.
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Laparoscopy and Removal of the Gallbladder
Laparoscopy is a less complicated and minimally invasive medical technique that is used as a diagnostic tool as well as a tool for treatment of ailments in the interior body cavities. Here, an instrument called the laparoscope is entered into the body through a small incision made externally. This device is then maneuvered to take images of the internal organs which are to be examined. Complications are very rare with minor bleeding which can occur at times. If the patient has any discomfort, he or she should talk to their doctor for clarifications. Alternatively, you could approach the best healthcare experts online as well and talk to them regarding your concerns.
The gallbladder is an organ to the lower end of the liver which stores the bile juice. Sometimes it is affected by infections; stones etc and it may become inevitable to remove the organ. The body can function appropriately even after such an operation. The main cause for problems in the gallbladder is generally the presence of stones. There is no specific reason for the formation of these stones but they are made up of bile slats and cholesterol. Due to their composition, they do not disappear naturally and have to be removed by surgical methods in some cases. Surgery can be avoided by taking medication for a while. However, these stones have the likelihood of entering the bile duct and causing blockage along with pain. Removal of the organ is a safe option, practiced in most cases.
Laparoscopy may be used to remove the gallbladder. Nowadays it is the most common method of gallbladder removal. Unlike the major invasive operations where the abdomen has to bear more than seven cuts, this method requires only about 4 small incisions. The patient will be administered general anesthesia and made to lie down on the operation table. A thin device called the cannula is entered into the abdomen. Through the camera the internal organs are seen. Through other incisions, other cannulas are inserted which help the surgeon to separate the gallbladder from its environment and slowly remove it from the body. An x-ray called the cholangiogram may be taken to see if there is a need for any more operative techniques. Recovery post-operation is faster. Many patients are relieved from the hospital on the very same day. Normal activities can be pursued soon after.
Nevertheless, patients with a medical history of an abdominal operation or other medical problems may not be advised to undergo the laparoscopy procedure.
Laparoscopic surgery is one of the latest surgery techniques. Find out about laparoscopy and other healthcare experts from our website.
CPAP Supplies
If you are having trouble breathing and are thinking about buying a CPAP machine there is a lot to think about as far as supplies go. There are filters that need replacing, hoses and tubing that can help adjust comfort and air flow, masks to fit your face just right, machine parts that may need replacing and humidifier parts.
The filters come in many different shapes sizes and styles. They come in Hypo-allergenic and regular style filters. Maybe you are thinking about disposable vs. non disposable filters. There are ultra-fine filters for less pressure and more air flow as well. Finding the right filter that fits your particular machine in the style you want is a lot to think about. You sometimes can get them in value packs. The goal is to feel good while breathing and having a bacteria free experience as to not add complications to your lungs.
Tubing comes in many different styles as well. Slim, climate, standard, reusable and disposable are all choices to think about and try. Disposable ones are not as durable but they are the cleanest way to go. Slim hoses give a thin stream of air which might add more pressure but will not allow as much air to flow through. Standard hoses are dishwasher safe and can help save money because you can keep it for a longer period of time as well as have it look nicer.
There are many machine parts as well. Water chambers which help with condensation. Water tubs come in many different sizes and styles as well. There are also water chamber upgrade kits. So there is a lot to think about when taking care of your CPAP machine to utilize it in its optimal state. There are pieces that add on to comfort your face and head like nasal pillow systems which will strap around your head and cradle your cheeks to maximize comfort and help you with air flow so you can sleep better. The frame is shaped to fit your face in a comfortable position to help you feel more comfortable and get the maximum amount of air flow possible.
There are so many possibilities when choosing new supplies to go along with your CPAP machine. From the hose to the mask there are many different options for your added comfort to ensure that you are breathing and resting the way you deserve to. You will be breathing easier and your sleep will be that much more sound so you will wake feeling rested.
Flat Head Syndrome: A Basic Understanding
Flat Head Syndrome is a general term applied to infants whose cranial development results in a flat area on the back or side of the head (deformational asymmetry). The deformation may be present at birth, or may become apparent after birth; during the first few months of the infant's life. The two most recognised scientific terms for the most common forms of the syndrome are plagiocephaly and brachycephaly. Most commonly the term plagiocephaly is used to describe a flattening at the side of the head in the parietal region and where the length to width ratio is within normal parameters. Facial asymmetry may be apparent on the forehead and you also may notice a misalignment of the eyes and ears. When the flattening extends across the back of the head and the head is wider than usual, in this event the length to width ratio is outside of the normal, this head shape is known as brachycephaly.
Causes of Flat Head Syndrome
Cranial birth deformities can be the result of intrauterine restriction which can be caused by several different factors. Positional moulding in the uterus (in utero moulding) occurs due to the inhibited position of the baby in the womb. It is more frequently seen in multiple births due to the restricted positioning of the babies and their heads. In other cases deformities of the head present at birth can be the result of birth injury caused by methods of assisted delivery (intrapartum moulding). There is also a greater incidence of plagiocephaly developing in infants born prematurely as their heads are much softer. Fortunately, the majority of these deformities caused both in the uterus or during birth improve naturally without need for treatment during the early months of the infant's life. The exception occurs when for whatever reason when the infant is positioned in a way that exerts more pressure on a certain area(s) of the head. In this case, the syndrome may worsen by simple gravitational force turning an initially minor plagiocephalic deformity into a potential long-term problem requiring treatment.
Besides deformities present at birth, paediatricians have reported increases in the number of children with cranial deformities in recent years, particularly unilateral flattening of the occipital bone at the back of the head. This increase has been, at least statistically, compared with the significant decrease over those years in the numbers of cot deaths or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The connection assumes that the increase in flat head syndrome can be attributed to parents following the positioning recommendations aimed at decreasing the risk of SIDS; specifically, the recommendation that healthy young infants should be placed down on their backs for sleep. The back to sleep advice has reduced Sudden Infant Death significantly and parents should continue to be encouraged to always place their babies on their backs when sleeping. However, during the day when the infant is awake and the parents is with them they should spend as little time as possible with pressure on the back of the skull to allow it to reshape naturally.
Treatment of Flat Head Syndrome
Initial treatment usually involves repositioning of the baby onto their tummy to reduce the pressure on the affected area, known as 'Tummy Time'. This should be done for extended time periods during the day. In addition, repositioning cots and other areas in which the infant spends their day will force them to look in different directions to see parents or other areas of interest around them. It should be noted if the infant cries or appears to have discomfort when they are repositioned as this may indicate a problem with neck pain and this possibility should be addressed as tightening of the neck muscles can be common in infants. This treatment should continue until the age of 5-6 months.
If the problem remains unimproved, parents should consider treatment of flat head syndrome with a helmet for a child while still less than 18 months of age. The ideal time to begin treatment is 4 to 7 months but correction can be gained from starting treatment up to 14 months of age. A cranial remoulding helmet (orthosis) can be designed that provides painless contact over the prominent areas of the skull while leaving protected voids to provide a pathway for growth by the affected areas for more symmetrical skull growth.
Find out more about flat head syndrome
السبت، 6 أغسطس 2011
Benefits of Private Pregnancy Scans
Pregnancy is an amazing time for a mother-to-be. As the baby grows the mother forms a bond that will last a lifetime. Pregnancy may present some physical discomfort, but seeing the growing child through ultrasound is a magical experience that the mother and father will never forget. Technology has advanced greatly over the years, and 3D and 4D ultrasounds now offer an incredible clear look at the baby in uterus. Private scans can be arranged by appointment at ultrasound clinics.
One reason to have a pregnancy ultrasound is for the bonding experience. The images captured are so clear that parents can get a good idea of what their child will look like. Studies have been done which have found that women who have a ultrasound scan during pregnancy tend to form a stronger bond with their child before birth, which results in a stronger bond after the baby is born.
Another reason to get a pregnancy scan is the medical benefits it provides. 2D ultrasounds have been used for years, with mostly good diagnostic results, but they cannot provide the detailed look at the baby that 3D/4D ultrasound does. A 3D/4D ultrasound can discover any abnormalities that the baby may have and are considerably better at finding out if the baby has cleft palate.
Furthermore this type of scan can take better measurements than a 2D ultrasound. These measurements can be used to determine if the baby is growing at a healthy weight. The precise measurements can also estimate the size and weight of the baby more closely than a 2D ultrasound.
Ultrasound scans also provide a sense of peace of mind. Every parent hopes for a healthy child, and the fear of a child with health problems or abnormalities can be very stressful. Seeing a perfect, healthy baby during a pregnancy scan can put parents at great ease.
Ultrasound scans also make excellent keepsakes. The photos and DVD from a private ultrasound session can be kept for years, and shown to the child as he or she grows up. The photos and DVD are also fun to share with family and friends during the end of the pregnancy while everyone is anticipating the birth of the baby.
Private pregnancy scans have become very popular for parents to be. There are many clinics that specialize in 3D/4D ultrasounds, and appointments for private scans are easy to set up. There are great benefits and the memory of seeing your child before its birth will last forever.
For further information on pregnancy, well being and private health scans, visit Ultrasound Direct who provide private scans across a number of clinics throughout the UK.
How Can You Easily Master the 4 Principles of Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a form of treatment that many people look to for help. However, if you want to help people with this treatment you will need to master the 4 principles of osteopathy. You will also need to know how you can master these and why they are important.
What is Osteopathy?
The first step to helping people through osteopathy is, knowing what this is. Osteopathy is a manipulation technique which treats pain and the underlying cause. This manipulation is done with the hands so osteopaths need to be trained. When an osteopath works with you the look at the function and structure of your body to find what is causing you pain.
4 principles of osteopathy
During osteopathy courses one of the first things you will learn are the 4 principles of osteopathy. These principles where created by the founder of this field and have been the backbone of the practice since the 19th century.
• The first principle is that the body is a unit. This means that each part of the body is connected and that a problem in one part can affect others.
• The second principle is structure governs function. This means that if the structure of the body is compromised then the function will be as well.
• The third principle is that the body is its own medicine chest. Everyone has mechanisms in their body that can help heal problems if given the correct stimulation.
• The fourth principle is the rule of the artery is supreme. This related to the fact that there needs to be a good supply of blood to provide needed nutrients and immune cells for healing.
Why osteopathy training is important
Osteopathy training is very important if you want to practice this. During this training you will be taught the 4 principles and how to apply them in practice. Without the knowledge you get from training you will not know how to properly stimulate the body to help in the healing process. Additionally, if you have training from an accredited school you will be able to practice osteopathy internationally. Anatomy is taught during training and this is very important if you want to master the 4 principles of osteopathy.
Mastering osteopathy with osteopathy courses
Mastering osteopathy is what many people want to do but this is very hard to do without going through osteopathy courses. There are a few routes that you can take to become a qualified osteopath. One is to do the standard route that teaches you the 4 principles, how to apply them to people and physiology. This route will generally take 5 years to complete. For a 3 year route you can do the APEL route. However, to be able to do this you need to have a professional qualification or higher level diploma. There are people who attempt to master osteopath on their own but this is a hard road that has many pitfalls. The most common problem is that they do not get the same practical experience.
Mastering the 4 principles of osteopathy easily is something that a lot of people want to know about. This is actually best done through an institute that can teach you the principles and how they can be practically applied.
This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO Marketing consultant of 3r.ie, on behalf of National Training Centre - providing Osteopathy Courses, Massage Courses, Pilates Courses, Sports Massage Courses and Personal Trainer Certification.
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1- ??????? ?????? : Mushroom soup
2- ???? ???????? ?????????? : The authority of tuna and pasta
3- ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????????? : Lamb on the way Mongolian
4- ???? ??????? ??????? : Jelly cream and butter
?????? ????? , , ??? ??????? : 30 ??????
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KoD ����� + ����� ����� ������� ������� ��� ��� ���� Oh My Lady ����� ���� Swion

jrvdv + jpldg pgrhj hg]vhlh hg;,vdm h,i lhd gd]d Oh My Lady f',gm ad,k Swion lsgsg lady ad,k

(????? ????? ..)
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Just E.L.F
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??? ????? The Blue Dragon ??? ????? ?? 04:09 PM.

الجمعة، 5 أغسطس 2011
How to Deal with Academy or College University Rejection

How to deal with academy or university rejection
It is a aggressive apple and as far as academy admissions are concerned, a applicant has to attempt in this rat race. Most acceptance these canicule are anxious about the cast angel and ambition to get into the top universities and colleges. This has fabricated the antagonism alike added fierce. Acceptance do assignment adamantine and put in all their accomplishment to get into their academy of choice. But on some occasions, no amount How abundant accomplishment the apprentice puts, afterlife has its own plans. Many acceptance who get alone from colleges or universities acquisition it difficult to cope with the bearings and these rejections accept generally led to a abrogating angle in students. I accede that ambidextrous with academy bounce is difficult, but it is not impossible. This Buzzle commodity will admonition you anticipate absolutely about the accompaniment of diplomacy and admonition you abode academy rejection.
Dealing with academy or university rejection
Manage the Abrogating Thoughts...
It doesn't amount How able a actuality is mentally, the activity of bounce can accomplish anyone sad and alert about the world. You should not let apprehensions annihilate you and instead allotment them with your abutting ones. Sharing what you accept in apperception will accomplish you feel good. Don't let abrogating thoughts booty ascendancy over you. Convince yourself that there's added to activity and apprenticeship than that accurate academy which alone you. One should consistently apprentice from the mistakes, and use the bounce letter as a apparatus to advance yourself for the accessible challenges in life. When things don't assignment your way, it is best to anticipate that article added good awaits in life.
Think and Plan for the Future...
Being alone by a academy agency article went amiss and did not assignment in your stride. You appropriately accept to stop bad-tempered and alpha cerebration about the approaching advance of action. Your approaching accomplish can be reapplying to the aforementioned academy or university or you can booty acceptance to some added college. It will be accessible to booty the admonition of your agents in chief your approaching actions. But as a aboriginal footfall you should acquaintance the academy or university admiral and analyze about the bounce letter. You can ask the admiral the acumen you were alone and again assignment on that. If you anticipate you accept it in you to abstraction and assignment hard, and additionally if you are accessible to put in effort, reapplication should accomplish a added good option.
Don't Let Your Aplomb Down...
Don't let the bounce bassinet your aplomb and cocky esteem. In a bearings like this, anticipate about your accomplished achievements, be them in any field. You are a aces actuality and with some accomplishment accept the adeptness to do better. Believe in yourself and don't let the bounce affect your anatomy of apperception to any extent. Some antisocial bodies ability demotivate you and say that you did not adapt able-bodied or did not abstraction hard, etc, etc. But added than annihilation abroad you should accept to your cocky acceptance and accumulate yourself motivated.
It is difficult to alive with the activity of actuality alone from the academy you had dreamed of acceptance in. But it is amiss if you let the bearings bassinet your cocky admire and confidence. Additionally I would like to acknowledgment that added than the academy you are studying, it is your mindset that counts for success in life. So don't booty the academy bounce as the end of apple and advance a absolute anatomy of mind, able acceptance in your abilities and adamantine work. with these qualities no one can abjure you success in life. All the best and break positive...
How to Deal with Academy or College University Rejection academy college deal rejection university

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